I love things like this. On Rowan's blog, she has been tagged for a meme, and as this one is a bookish meme, I thought I would join in.
The rules for this meme are:
1. Pick up the nearest book (of at least 123 pages).
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people.
'She looked so strange, standing there in the fold, with her long staff and red cross-over shawl, with her mouth a-tremble and her eyes shining like a prophet's, and the great lean pigs gruntling and snouting around her, and Sarn Mere standing up beyond her like the blue grass round a figure in a church window. I wondered if ever they put pigs in church windows, in pictures of the Prodigal Son, and I couldna help but laugh a bit in a kind of pitiful way, thinking that this here was the prodigal mother, and how glad we'd be if Gideon was a big prodigal too. "What ails you, laughing?" she says.'
This is from "Precious Bane" by Mary Webb. I have cheated a tiny bit and started with the 5th line, as it makes a lot more sense that way, and is a beautiful piece of prose.
I will tag five people, but there is no absolute obligation to join in - only if you feel like it:
1. Nancy
2. Leanne
3. Yarrow
4. Pixiedust
5. Kelli
Just stumbled across your blog and was intrigued to find that you too are in West Wales... and Precious Bane is my all time favourite book... and a recipe for chocolate honeycomb muffins... well!
I'm clearly going to have to bookmark you and come back again!
Nice blog.
I think I could almost walk to the top of our hill and wave - you sound pretty close. I will 'fess up about Precious bane. I had a copy for about 20 years, but never got around to reading it. Then I gave it in a box of books to the Horse charity I support. Then friends on a forum started raving about the book, and one has just send me her spare copy, so it is by the computer, and being read whilst I wait for photos to load.
Glad you enjoyed my blog. Off to check yours now.
What a sweet little yard, Jennie!
Precious Bane is one of those books I've been meaning to read but never got around to, I really must make the effort to find a copy and spend a few sunny summer afternoons(!) reading it.
I was surprised that the little doorway is in Wales - it looks exactly like the little doorways and courtyards that you see in Italy, it's a lovely photo.
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