Mags over at Life in the Preseli Hills has tagged me t describe myself in just 7 words. I shall try and rise to the challenge . . .
1. Firstly how can I say 'Doesn't suffer fools gladly' in one word which doesn't make me sound sharp, condescending, judgemental or intolerant? Hmmm. Aries will have to do, as that is one of the Aries attributes, although my Scorpio husband has bucketfuls of it too.
2. Intuitive. I am lucky in that I can tell what a person is like instantly - they don't' have to say a word, I just KNOW. I have only been wrong twice in my life and they were both very very shy people who were literally unreadable. The big drawback to being so intuitive is that if I really take a dislike to someone, I find it very difficult hiding my dislike . . .
3. Honest. Brutally so on occasion. If you ask, "Does my bum look big in this?" well, I will just have to tell you, yes it does! But then, I don't ever try and curry flavour by flattering people and only rarely will I tell a lie, and then I tell myself it is a FIB. What you see is what you get with me. Another Aries trait I fear . . .
4. Creative. I love to write, draw, sew and make nice things. I love to bake and make jams and chutneys and try all sorts of obscure things that other people wouldn't waste their time on. It satisfies me, especially the writing. I suppose in a way it is trying to boost self-confidence, though not an intentional thought, but it IS nice when someone compliments you.
5. Country-loving. I used a hyphen, so hope that's not cheating! I have always loved anything connected with the countryside and nature. I was interested in wild flowers by the time I was 6 and got The Observer's Book of Wild Flowers. Others followed - Birds, Birds' Eggs, Butterflies and Moths, Pond Life, plus the inevitable Horses and Ponies, Dogs etc. I would rather be in the countryside than anywhere, preferably as far away from other people as possible, though there are times when I need people too. I am a sucker for anything (especially books) with "Country" in the title. If it's a recipe book then it can be "Country" or "Farmhouse".
6. Bibliophile. I simply CANNOT live without books. I have thousands. I've been like this all my life - ever since I learned to read in infant's school and actually STOLE a book because we didn't have books at home and I was SO desperate to read. I began collecting antiquarian books on horses when I started work at 16. I still collect them. And books on history. And Archaelogy. And the countryside. And natural history. And cookery. And literature. And literary biographies. And you should never start a sentence with And . . .
7. Finally, I am a Softee. I seem to attract and "collect" lame ducks. I don't like to hurt people's feelings. I hate to say "no". It's probably part and parcel of being intuitive (and more besides) because I can always pick up on other people's emotions and need for friendship.
I won't tag anyone, but if you want to join in, let me know that you have.
Checking in from Alabama. I have not had time to read many of my regular blogs lately as we have been traveling. I totally agree with your intuition statement.I call it discernment and it has held me in good stead through the yrs. My DH will often you dont even know them but usually I am right in reading peoples character. Loved seeing all the pictures Jennie.
I thought about this: likely the words I would choose as descriptive of myself wouldn't fit with anyone else's evaluation. I'd better leave this one alone.
MM - ah, but you know yourself far better than anyone else can. You would think my husband knew me very well after 25 years together, but sometimes I do wonder if he's been living with a stranger!
Arlene - LOVELY to see you again. You don't need to "know" people to know what they are like. It is a straightforward gut reaction which we probably ALL had when we were Cro-Magnon man or something, but we have lost it over the millennia.
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