This little steam engine was made from scratch by our neighbour. The next five tractors beyond it down the line also belong to him and have been/are being restored by him.

The top four are his . . .

I think I remember rightly being told that this green tractor was a 1940s vintage.

Entries in the local class (from the parish) under 13.2hh. This Section A foal not only won its class but I believe was the local champion too.

A magnificent set of horns on one of the Jacob rams.

I am so tempted to say that this is the sheep-wrestling class, but no, it is just a bevy of sheep being shown, for some reason, without halters . . . There was lots of fun when one took it into its head to run away!

The weather looked threatening, but the rain held off. Sheep pens and judging at the bottom of the pic. It's interesting to see our neighbouring parish from a different angle.

This was SOME bull. I'm not a bovine expert, but it looks well made to me and hey, he's got the red rosette!

This is my neighbour's lovely cob mare who won her class.

These love spoons are made by Mr Martin from Llanfynydd. I think they are absolutely superb.

A close-up of some of the spoons.

The lighter spoon on the left is all made from one piece of wood, carefully worked at until the balls in the handle run free and turn, and each link of the chain is carefully carved. I think I will have to do a special post about love-spoons when I have caught up with myself.

Some of the entries in the sewn handicrafts competitions.

Entries in the jewellery making class.

Some of the entries in the flower classes - this one must have been unusual container or something, hence the wellies.

Now that's what you CALL onions. I think the same chap got first, second AND third!, though that was hardly surprising.

This would be the Bara Brith end of the cake competitions. They look pretty good don't they? Just the thing to go down with a mug of tea though to be honest, there were a few interested flies about . . ..

These are the entries for the Longest Thistle competition, which always makes me smile. I could have easily won Longest Dock plant last year . . .
I just loved this post, felt like I was walking along with you. There was a man near where I lived in Oregon that had his tractors lined up in the field, all old ones and beautiful...I used to think to myself that his hobby probably kept him out of his wife's hair, teehee
Jim and I both viewed this with great interest. He is seething to know the make of the vintage green tractor--he is a great fan of older machinery. The green one doesn't appear to be a make familiar in the US--we thought perhaps Leyland?
Teri - I think that once these chaps start collecting, they can't seem to stop and get completely addicted! My neighbour's son is a brilliant mechanic and engineer in the making too - it is a skill which has been passed down father to son.
MM - I shall have to go and ask our neighbour for Jim! I have had a magnifying glass to the green tractor. It says Diesel on the front and Al??? - ??? Chalmers? I am googling to try and find out for you. I will phone E today and ask.
Hello BB! Thats a bit spooky, when I read your comment on my Blog, I had just been reading Green twins Mummy Blog and I saw yours listed there!
I was in Wales a few weeks back, as my freind moved to a new farm in Pembrokeshire, near Efailwen. She keeps rare breed sheep and spins and dyes their fleece.
Yes the hexies are great, I always have a basket near my chair, to make a few odd ones up when I havent anything particluar in mind. I enjoyed making the autumn one, I just have to bind it now!
Nice to meet you
J. who is nothing if not pig-headed, opinionated, etc, has convinced himself the green tractor is not an Allis Chalmers! It may become a point of honor to prove what it is!
Oh dear, me again. Jim and his Spanish friend, Nuco, have both been in here glaring at the photo of the green tractor--their curiosity is rampant--neither of them have ever seen one quite like this and they MUST KNOW.
I've e-mailed you MM, and it is a Field-Marshall - sent your good menfolk a link too! Hope they are out of their misery now. I can see I shall have to dig out the photos I took of the Vintage tractors at another local show . . . D'you know, I was even looking at the small ads and photos in Tractor magazines in Tesco's for them!
Oh and Kath - no such thing as coincidence you know!
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