Wednesday 13 May 2009

I'm back!

Well, after no broadband for nearly a week, it was fixed over the weekend when I was away at a friend's (we went to Badminton Horse Trials), then drove home Monday to find a tree had taken out our phone line, so I had neither phone nor broadband. Phone fixed yesterday and broadband finally sorted out AGAIN today. Fed up with phoning Indian call centre though . . .

LOTS to post about, but you will have to be patient as I have to proof-read my daughter's dissertation first - IF it ever finishes loading . . .


Rowan said...

Good to see you back again. Jules' partner's sister was at Badminton too, wonder if you saw them without realising who they were!

nancy said...

Hey, I miss 'talking' with you in the forum. Hope all is well. Glad you are back on.

Greentwinsmummy said...

welcome back! Loved your letter sweetpea,will be replying soon x x x